Tama County
By Iowa Code, the Tama County Sheriff's Office is required to register sex offenders who reside or establish a residence within Tama County.

Registration Requirements

Register with the Sheriff's Office initially upon moving to Tama County. You must provide all information specified by Iowa Code Chapter 692A at the time of your initial registration and within five (5) business days of any change in that information.

An annual registration fee of $25.00 must be paid in cash at the time of registration.

Registration Quick Reference

Sex Offender List

See the Iowa Sex Offender Registry for a list of sex registrants registered in Iowa. 

Sex Offenders in Iowa

The Iowa Sex Offender Registry is intended to serve as a deterrent and to protect the citizens of Iowa. Contact your local law enforcement officials immediately if you believe that a crime has been or may be committed.

On or after July 1, 1995, an individual who has been convicted or adjudicated of a criminal offense against a minor, sexual exploitation, or a sexually violent crime or who was on probation, parole, or work release status, or who was incarcerated on or after July 1, 1995 is required to register. Registration includes individuals who have received deferred sentences or deferred judgments, as well as those convicted of qualifying federal sex offenses or sex offenses from other states, U.S. territories or Indian tribal nations.

The information on this website is provided by the Iowa Sex Offender Registry to the public pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 692A to aid in identifying and locating individuals who have committed an offense that requires registration on the Sex Offender Registry. If you believe that any information about an offender displayed on this website is incorrect regarding local offenders, please notify our office immediately.

If you are an offender needing to update, change, or register information, please contact our office at 641-484-4111, or send an email here.

Per Iowa Code, please make correspondents during our business hours:

Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 


This webpage was printed on March 29, 2025. For the most current information, visit the Tama County, Iowa, Sheriff website at tamacountysheriff.org.
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