View a current list of Tama County inmates in custody.
Note: An arrest without disposition is not an indication of guilt. Tama County makes every attempt to provide current information on this webpage, however, it cannot guarantee or assert that all the information is complete and accurate.
Inmate lists are updated twice per day, 3 A.M. and 3 P.M.
Warrant Exhibit obscene material minor Sexual exploit minor Forgery-felony Theft 5th degree<$300 Theft 5th degree<$300 Theft 2nd degree>$1500<$10000 Extortion-accuse another Harboring a runaway-agst paren Kidnapping 3rd degree Kidnapping 1st degree Sexual abuse in the 3rd deg Sexual assault - no injury Stalking-2nd offense No valid drivers license Poss cntl subst-1,2,3rd